The 100Babies Project 

Updated 4/12/2024
Goal: $9000
Raised: $795
Babies Helped: 14!
Remaining Available Money: $-185.00 all funds have been used!
To donate, follow this link. —— This donation site asks for a tip at the end of your checkout in a sort of sleazy, pressuring way. You do not have to tip. This is your permission. Just keep clicking.

What is the 100Babies Project?

The 100Babies Project is a mission to provide 100 babies with Infant Bodywork between January- June 2024. Every baby deserves bodywork, whether it’s a “welcome to the world” initiation, or for more immediate relief of things like colic, fussiness, head-turning preference, flat heads, feeding & latch issues, pre & post oral tie revision (like lip, tongue, or cheek tie), and more.

My goal is to raise $9,000 for parents and guardians of newborns to receive free hands-on bodywork. My work is gentle and effective, and by providing each family with a free initial visit, I’d like to eliminate the uncertainty and indecision of whether it’s worth spending the money on in a frugal (probably unpaid or reduced-income) time. Usually when parents come in, they’ve done heavy research and they’re tired, but there is a sense of urgency to “fix” whatever symptom they’re concerned with, and they’re not sure where to start. The earlier I see babies, the faster we see results, and the quicker I can point them to other wonderful resources in our collaborative community.

So how does this work?

I have a Spotfund account that allows you to pay your donation, or you can paypal, venmo, or hand cash in person and I add it to the pot. When you pay via Spotfund you will receive a receipt via email for tax purposes. Due to HIPAA laws and a small community, I don’t send personal information about the babies helped (example: Thanks to your donation, Baby K can now turn their head to the left!), but I will keep an updated list of how much money was received, how many babies have been helped, and how much money is left.

As of January 2024, an Initial Visit will be $90, and a follow-up visit will be $65. The goal of $9000 is from the idea of providing 100 initial visits. If a baby has already had an initial session with me, then $65 will be used for their session, and you know what that means? Together we will provide an opportunity for more than 100 babies.

What parents and babies can take advantage of this?

I only work on babies from birth to 4 months old. That’s it, that’s the criteria. I don’t have an income limit. Nothing needs to be troubling the baby for them to make an appointment (but for the record, I’ve never not found something to work on).

Why are you doing this?

Here’s the series of events that led me here:

1) I did a similar thing during the pandemic that allowed 20 babies to receive free bodywork. It was a really big hit. Then I had another baby and the world got even crazier for a while. Now that my kids are a little older I have more bandwidth for meaningful things like this!

2) I have a cousin on each side of my family that are doing really cool things in the world. One helps facilitate easier transitions for foster kids and parents and I’m constantly in awe of the ways she tries to make raising children easier. My other cousin is pioneering a company that will make it easier to invest in companies that are doing good in the world on purpose. This is a vulnerable time in a family’s existence together, and the more I can help make the transition smooth, the better.

3) I’m super into anatomy and human development. Plus, newborns don’t have 30 years of emotional baggage and previous injuries, so they’re much easier to release than an adult.

4) I LOVE babies, but I ALSO love parents. One of my children required a lot of extra care and attention, and I know when you’re “in it”, sometimes you can’t exactly think clearly about your next few steps. Bodywork is always a good step.

What happens if you don’t get 100 kids by June?

Easy, the funds stay towards babies until they run out. June is just a tangible timeline.